AWAKETH - s/t - LP

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HARVEST OF DEATH is proud to present a special demos collection from AWAKETH, simply self-titled, on vinyl LP format.

Formed in 2019 by black/death metal activists of the Spanish underground, AWAKETH is an entity formed against nowadays black metal's relativism and open-minded "scene." Inspired by the activism of the '90s Nordic tradition, the Teutonic black metal fury, and the corrupted Les Légions Noires, AWAKETH open wounds again, going to the core, without artifice. Just black metal in its purest and dirtiest integrity, Luziferian activism through distorted sonority against black metal's democratization: NOT EVERYTHING GOES.

Compiling both of the band's demos to date plus two extra tracks, Awaketh indeed awakens atavistic energies; AWAKETH simply harnesses them, for they were always there. All songs here were recorded through a primitive process somewhere in the Galizian forests. Both demos were previously released on tape format by In Pulverem Mortis and Tour de Garde, respectively, during the cursed year of 2020. Adding the tracks "Nocturnal Lust" and "Burning Golgotha" recorded exclusively for this vinyl edition, AWAKETH re-opens those wounds when life couldn't get any worse.

All songs recorded through a primitive process somewhere in the Galizian forests.

Previously released in tape format by In Pulverem Mortis and Tour de Garde during 2020.

Nocturnal Lust and Burning Golgotha exclusively recorded for this vinyl edition, all other tracks were carefully remastered for this edition.