Lucifuego Zine - Issue 4

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84 pages in A4 (Spanish written!!!).

Includes interviews with Nightwalker, Forbidden Temple, Teitanblood, Fír, Necromantic Worship, Witchcraft and some articles/reviews/stories about the 7”EP cult with 13th Moon, Absurd, Arcada, Arallu, Armaggedon, Armatus, Arbor, As Sahar, Bezwering, Black Putrescence, Blackstream, Blood Magic, Commander Agares, Dämonenblut, Dead Dog’s Howl, Desgranges, Diaboli, Diabolical Fullmoon, Drug Darkness, Egaheer, Erscheinung, Fimbul, Goatmoon, Gotthammer, Gouffre, Grave Of God, Hellmoon, Hell’s Coronation, Herugrim, Hexofender, Horda, Hulder, Ifernach, Iku-Turso, Illum Adora, Ild, Livløst, Morke, Nagyszeben, Nameless Tomb, Nebiros, Necromantia, Necromantical Invocation, Nightsidephantom, Nordal, Obskuritatem, Old Nick, Opus Magorum, Perfidious, Phlegethon’s Majesty, Sainte Marie Des Loups, Standvast, Sulphuric Night, Taaken, The Rite, The True Werwolf, Todesweihe, Ungod, Varathron, Vengeance Horde, Vermisst, Vräztrébrëzkré, Wagner Ödegard, Weltentod, Wendol, Werwolf, Werewolf Bloodorder., ... with tons of photos, flyers and Black Metal worship.